TCI Premia Preferred Share Private Pool
Investment Strategy
The TCI Premia Preferred Share Private Pool provides exposure to all the major segments of the preferred share market. It seeks to provide investors with eligible Canadian dividend income while preserving capital over the long run by investing primarily in preferred shares of Canadian companies.
Strategy Highlights
- Diversifies traditional fixed income holdings with reset preferred shares that can create an initial hedge against rising interest rates
- Generates a high-income stream of tax-advantaged Canadian eligible dividends
- Shifts exposure between the segments of the Canadian preferred share market in response to the evolving interest rate cycle
Why Choose the TCI Premia Preferred Share Private Pool?
- Provides broader diversification by preferred share type compared to the major ETFs and funds
- Seeks superior downside protection compared with preferred share ETFs
- Has achieved superior risk-adjusted performance in the Morningstar Canadian Preferred Share fund category since inception1
- Has the potential to generate capital gains where preferred shares are purchased at a discount to their redemption values
- The Pool’s low active management fee and lack of performance fee augment the potential for strong performance
1 Past performance is not indicative of future results.
Latest Monthly Profile

Manager | Tacita Capital Inc. |
Inception Date | March 9, 2018 |
Fund Code and Series | TCP101 - Series F |
Fund Type | Open-ended Mutual Fund Trust |
Registered Plan Status | TFSA, RRSP, RESP, RDSP Eligible |
Minimum Investment | $10,000 |
Valuation Frequency | Weekly |
Redemptions | Weekly |
Redemption Fee | None |
Distributions | Monthly at Manager's Discretion |
Management Fee | 0.40% |
Performance Fee | None |
Initial Lock-Up | None |
Prime Broker | National Bank Independent Network |
Auditor | Grant Thornton LLP |
Legal Counsel | AUM Law Professional Corporation McCarthy Tétrault LLP |
Administrator | SGGG Fund Services Inc. |
Fund Currency | Canadian Dollar (CAD) |