TCI Premia Canadian VQM Equity Private Pool
Investment Strategy
The TCI Premia Canadian VQM Equity Private Pool is a multi-cap fund that emphasizes exposures to momentum, quality and value factors that academic research has associated with higher expected returns. Its portfolio role is to seek long-term outperformance while diversifying Canadian core market and dividend strategies.
Strategy Highlights
- Momentum, value and quality factors have a robust return premia history in Canada
- A multi-factor approach mitigates the risk of a particular factor being out of favour
- Seeks long-term outperformance over a full market cycle
- Strategy allows up to 10% leverage to pursue higher returns when market values are depressed
Why Choose the TCI Premia Canadian VQM Equity Private Pool?
- Combines the potential for outperformance and diversification
- The Pool’s capacity parameters allow for appropriate exposures to small and mid-cap stocks that can amplify factor exposures
- The Pool’s low management fee enhances the potential for strong performance
- Tactical opportunity today due to the Canadian equity correction
Latest Monthly Profile

Manager | Tacita Capital Inc. |
Inception Date | March 9, 2018 |
Fund Code and Series | TCP201 - Series F |
Fund Type | Open-ended Mutual Fund Trust |
Registered Plan Status | TFSA, RRSP, RESP, RDSP Eligible |
Minimum Investment | $10,000 |
Valuation Frequency | Weekly |
Redemptions | Weekly |
Redemption Fee | None |
Distributions | Quarterly |
Management Fee | 0.50% |
Performance Fee | None |
Initial Lock-Up | None |
Prime Broker | National Bank independent Network |
Auditor | Grant Thornton LLP |
Fund Administrator | SGGG Fund Services Inc. |
Legal Counsel | AUM Law Professional Corporation McCarthy Tétrault LLP |
Fund Currency | Canadian Dollar (CAD) |